Average Itemized Deductions
You can compare your deductions with the latest statistics for average itemized deductions, released by the IRS. The numbers below reflect data from 1995 returns filed in 1996. These numbers are not a basis for claiming itemized deductions, but do act as a guideline for your comparison. You can use any of the FileTax Organizers as a checklist.

The deduction data is from the IRS Statistics of Income Bulletin. The first table includes numbers reflecting the national average and the second table shows the average deductions for taxpayers with adjusted gross incomes between $50,000 and $100,000 in the six states with the largest number of 1040 filers. 

Average Itemized Deductions - United States
AGI (-000)  Medical Taxes Interest Contributions Total
$15-30 $5,390 $2,270 $5,442 $1,338 $10,306
30-50 4,226 3,112 5,716 1,465 10,938
50-75 4,722 4,428 6,587 1,768 13,194
75-100 6,544 6,171 8,063 2,286 16,896
100-200 12,277 9,758 11,107 3,433 23,870
200+ 32,113 36,076 25,046 16,882 65,871

Average Itemized Deductions - Major States
$50-75 $4,974 $5,493 $4,943 $4,787 $5,726 $4,752 $4,722
75-100 6,129 7,439 6,736 6,910 8,117 6,113 6,544
50-75 4,435 2,186 4,139 6,671 4,701 2,399 4,428
75-100 6,509 2,973 5,493 9,300 6,273 3,041 6,171
50-75 9,940 7,002 6,355 6,002 5,599 6,209 6,587
75-100 12,031 8,404 7,553 7,167 6,767 7,383 8,063
50-75 1,695 2,040 1,624 1,562 1,571 2,391 1,768
75-100 2,141 2,608 2,116 2,021 2,129 2,931 2,286
50-75 16,538 12,454 12,663 14,418 12,272 11,649 13,194
75-100 21,144 15,266 15,708 18,814 15,522 13,985 16,896
Your Income Tax, 48.1
IRS Statistics of Income Bulletin, Spring 1997 

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